Wilaya Wellness
The body and the soul are too often depicted as separate entities. The truth is that they are two spheres of the one self, and so they must be in harmony if one is to truly commit themselves to the path of Islam – a path of spirituality and of warriorhood.
UFC lightweight fighter Rafael Fiziev and teacher of the Islamic sciences Sayed Hussain Makke have come together to offer you Wilaya Wellness, where we are wholeheartedly committed to combining these two spheres. Wilaya Wellness was designed to offer healing remedies and teachings rooted in the Islamic tradition for every brother and sister who is on the path to becoming a Spiritual Warrior.
Featured collection

MMA-The Muslim Martial Artist: The Islamic Perspective on Combat Sports
Amongst the jubilant celebrations of Muslims worldwide following Nurmagomedov’s triumph, a major talking point has been ‘what is Islam’s perspective on fighting anyway?’ And ‘is fighting even Islamically permissible?’

Vitamin D – An Endemic Deficiency That Needs to be Addressed
Vitamin D is an essential vitamin that helps the body use calcium and maintain strong bones. Less known is its critical role in innate and adaptive immunity. The most abundant...

Ginger: Nature’s Pain Killer & More
Modern society is facing an epidemic overuse of prescription and over the counter pain medicationsthat may relieve pain short term but cause long term damage to the liver and other...