The Holy Month of Ramadhan is a month of fasting, worship, serving the less fortunate, and contemplation. Abstaining from food, drink and intimacy are well known and observed by all those who fast in this Holy Month. However, equally as important is the fast of our eyes, ears, mouth, and thoughts.
It is said that the Holy Prophet (SAW) once said about the Month of Ramadan: “The month of Allah has arrived, try to free yourself. Indeed, your souls are encumbered by your deeds, so free it with repentance, and your backs are heavy from bearing the burden of your sins. You know that sins are a heavy burden. This burden is not carried by anyone except the owner of the burden himself. Your back has become bent from this costly burden. Lighten this burden”.
We are about to enter the Holy Month of Ramadhan and as we count down the final days of the month of Sha’ban it is an opportune time for us to reflect on areas of spiritual improvement in preparation for the coming blessed month of fasting. The two months preceding Ramadhan are preparatory months allowing us the opportunity to maximally benefit from the spiritual feast of Ramadhan.